Medicare Plan N Copays: Clearing Up the Confusion

Medicare Plan N Copays: Clearing Up the Confusion

Medigap Plan N has consistently been a favorite among the Medigap options. Lately, we've noticed a surge in queries about Plan N from beneficiaries. Typically, Plan N comes with a more affordable monthly premium compared to Plan G, making it seem like a tempting choice on the surface. But is there a trade-off? Opting for a plan with a reduced premium...

Choosing a Medicare Supplement Plan in 2023

Choosing a Medicare Supplement Plan in 2023

In 2023, a significant number of seniors will qualify for Medicare. Shifting from employer-based or individual insurance to Medicare can be a notable transition. While employer or individual policies usually present a few plan choices, Medicare offers a broader spectrum of options. Once you register for Medicare, you’re presented with two primary options:...

How to Appeal a Higher Medicare Part B Premium

How to Appeal a Higher Medicare Part B Premium

Medicare recipients with higher incomes face elevated Part B and prescription drug plan premium costs. This scenario, understandably, isn't well-received – and we share that sentiment! Having interacted with numerous clients in similar circumstances, I'm here to shed light on a potential solution: the IRMAA appeal. This avenue allows you to challenge a...

Understanding Medicare Trial Rights

Understanding Medicare Trial Rights

Medicare trial rights are provisions designed to allow beneficiaries to try different Medicare plans without long-term consequences. They come in two different forms. Let's delve into the details of these rights. 1. Trial Right for New Medicare Beneficiaries Turning 65: Eligibility: Clients turning 65, with their Part A and Part B effective dates aligning...

The tools you need to get the job done – Medicare

The tools you need to get the job done – Medicare

If you were going to build something would you not have all the tools you need ready before you start? Of course not. Most of these things are necessary to becoming a successful insurance agent, and some are tricks of the trade that make life a whole lot easier. Technology These will be your most expensive and valued components. Without them, you cannot do...

Medicare Options

Medicare Options

AHIP will give you all the basics of Medicare.  We are not going to regurgitate that info.  We will add to the basic information you learned.  Read the “Medicare and You” handbook annually.  It is a wealth of information about Medicare. Along with AHIP, it should be your Medicare Bible. Keep it with you when you are in an appointment.  You will refer to it...

Getting Prepared

Getting Prepared

You start selling yourself the moment your client sets eyes on you.  Make sure you look dressed for the part.  You never get a second chance at making a first impression.  We all have bad hair days.  Look in the mirror and honestly ask yourself if, as a senior, you would do business with yourself.  Consider the values that generation has.  Some of these...